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Transportation Asset Management Resources Guide
A compilation of TAM resources categorized and tagged in an excel sheet. Tagging includes topic area, regulatory impl…
Summary of State Practices for Transportation Asset Management Plan Annual Consistency Reporting
This report provides an overview of how state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) are meeting federal requirements f…
Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Technology: Determining the Impact on State DOT Maintenance Programs (NCHRP Research Report 1084)
The operation of connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) technology is expected to impact various components such as t…
2025 Q1 AASHTO CPBM/TPM TSP Joint Quarterly Meeting
link to video (2025 Q1 AASHTO CPBM/TPM TSP Joint Quarterly Meeting)
TAM Webinar 73: Expanded Asset Classes in TAMPs
link to video (TAM Webinar 73: Expanded Asset Classes in TAMPs)

Asset Valuation Guide
The Asset Valuation Guide helps transportation agencies compute and leverage system level valuations of their transportation assets.
See the Tool HereConnect
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About the site
The AASHTO TAM Portal connects you to a searchable database of transportation asset management resources: documents, presentations, events, tools, and more. The portal is designed to help transportation asset management practitioners search and access relevant information from multiple sources. It also provides a home for AASHTO’s Subcommittee on Asset Management along with tools to keep you connected to the TAM community.
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